Reclaim Our Normal

We are in the middle of a truly life altering pandemic. Covid – 19 its all we hear about in the news, and what is on all our minds. The overwhelming statement I hear time and time again is “I just want to get back to normal. 

This is so important for all of us to get back to living and feeling normal. Those of us that are suicide survivors go through this everyday looking for a way to get our normal back. 

 Parents and families that are living through the challenges of mental illness, depression and day to day issues are constantly living on pins and needles trying to make it through each day hoping that today will be the day they can get back to what was our normal. Unfortunately, we are not talking about this with each other, we are not sharing our feelings, our fears with others. Open up to each other, to friends you will be shocked on how many families out there are going through the same emotional roller coasters as we navigate through the new norms of mental illness in our lives. Our loved ones and community members dealing with their mental illness are also searching to get back to their normal way of life. They struggle everyday with the deep-down feelings that they can not understand why they feel this way why they can not get back to their normal feelings. Take the time to reach out and help our community learn to listen and share our feelings our struggles and be the guiding light of hope for all struggling.

Your Wings of Hope does not provide mental health services.
We connect you with the help you need. Please visit our Resources tab if you need help.


PO Box 624
Spicer, MN 56288

Cell: 320-295-6000

